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Problem Management


How to calculate
How to use it
Number of Problems Identified
Problem management system
Count the total number of problems identified within a specific timeframe.
Tracks the efficiency of the problem detection processes.
Mean Time to Identify Problems (MTTI)
Problem logs
Calculate the average time taken from problem detection to its documentation.
Measures the responsiveness of the problem management process.
Problems Resolved Within SLA
SLA reports, problem resolution logs
Calculate the percentage of problems resolved within the service level agreement terms.
Assesses compliance with SLA and the efficiency of problem resolution.
Mean Time to Resolve Problems (MTTR)
Problem resolution logs
Calculate the average time taken to resolve problems from the time they are logged.
Evaluates the effectiveness of the problem resolution process.
Problem Backlog
Problem management system
Count the number of unresolved problems at the end of a reporting period.
Indicates the capacity and efficiency of the problem management team.
Recurring Problems
Problem logs
Count the number of problems that occur more than once.
Identifies weaknesses in the problem resolution process and areas for improvement.
Proactive Problem Detection Rate
Problem detection logs
Calculate the percentage of problems identified through proactive measures versus reactive measures.
Measures the effectiveness of proactive problem management strategies.
Percentage of Problems Resulting from Changes
Change logs, problem logs
Calculate the percentage of problems caused by changes in the IT environment.
Assists in evaluating the impact of changes on system stability.
Number of Known Errors
Known error database
Count the total number of known errors documented in the system.
Tracks the accumulation of unresolved problems and the potential risk they pose.
Percentage of Major Problems
Problem logs
Calculate the percentage of problems classified as 'major' due to their high impact or difficulty.
Helps prioritize resource allocation and management attention.
Average Age of Problems
Problem logs
Calculate the average duration from problem identification to the current date for unresolved problems.
Identifies problems that are aging without resolution, highlighting inefficiencies.
Cost per Problem
Financial reports, problem logs
Divide the total cost associated with managing problems by the number of problems handled.
Assesses the financial impact of the problem management process.
User Impact Score
User feedback, impact assessments
Rate the impact of problems on users, typically on a scale, and calculate the average.
Evaluates the direct impact of problems on end-user experience.
Problem Resolution Effectiveness
Problem resolution logs
Measure the percentage of problems resolved without recurrence within a specified period.
Indicates the long-term effectiveness of problem resolutions.
Error Control Efficiency
Error logs, problem management reviews
Calculate the effectiveness of error control activities by tracking the rate of recurrence of known errors.
Measures how well known errors are managed and prevented from causing further incidents.
Problem Management Satisfaction
Surveys, feedback forms
Average satisfaction rating from users and IT staff related to problem management.
Gauges the perceived effectiveness and responsiveness of the problem management process.
Time to Implement Problem Fixes
Project management tools, problem logs
Calculate the average time taken from problem resolution planning to actual implementation of fixes.
Measures the efficiency of the solution implementation phase.
Rate of Problem Escalation
Problem logs
Calculate the percentage of problems escalated to higher-level support teams.
Indicates the complexity of problems and the potential need for more skilled resources.
Problems Prevented by Proactive Measures
Incident logs, problem management reports
Count the number of incidents avoided due to proactive problem management.
Demonstrates the value of proactive strategies in reducing incident frequency.
Continuous Improvement Contributions
Improvement logs, service reports
Measure the contributions of problem management to IT service improvements, such as enhancements in processes or technology adoption.
Tracks how problem management supports the overall improvement of IT services.
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