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Monitoring and Event Management


How to calculate
How to use it
Mean Time to Detect (MTTD)
Monitoring System
Average time taken to detect events
Measure effectiveness of event detection
Mean Time to Repair (MTTR)
Incident Management System
Average time taken to resolve events
Measure efficiency of event resolution process
Event Volume
Monitoring System
Number of events generated within a certain period
Assess volume and frequency of events
Event Severity Distribution
Monitoring System
Distribution of events by severity level
Identify trends in event severity
Event Correlation Efficiency
Event Correlation Tools
Percentage of correlated events out of total events
Measure effectiveness of event correlation
Event Response Time
Event Management System
Average time taken to respond to events
Measure responsiveness to events
Event Noise Reduction
Noise Reduction Tools
Percentage reduction in non-critical events
Reduce noise and focus on critical events
Event Escalation Rate
Escalation Reports
Number of events escalated per period
Measure effectiveness of event escalation process
Event Acknowledgement Rate
Monitoring System
Percentage of events acknowledged within SLA
Measure effectiveness of event acknowledgement
Event Resolution Rate
Incident Management System
Percentage of events resolved within SLA
Measure efficiency of event resolution process
Event Trend Analysis
Event Analysis Reports
Patterns and trends in event occurrence
Identify recurring events and underlying causes
Event Impact Assessment
Event Impact Assessment
Magnitude of impact of events on systems
Assess potential consequences of events
Event Duplication Rate
Monitoring System
Percentage of events classified as duplicates
Measure effectiveness of event deduplication
Event Management Cost
Financial Reports
Total cost of managing events
Assess financial implications of event management
Event Management ROI
Financial Reports
Return on investment from event management
Evaluate effectiveness of event management efforts
Event Response Team Morale
Team Surveys
Team morale survey scores within event response teams
Assess morale and motivation of event response teams
Event Management Training
Training Records
Number of employees trained in event management
Measure investment in event management training
Event Documentation Quality
Documentation Reviews
Quality score of event documentation
Ensure completeness and accuracy of event documentation
Event Response Accuracy
Event Management System
Accuracy of event response compared to SLA
Measure effectiveness of event response accuracy
Event Resolution Efficiency
Event Management System
Percentage reduction in event resolution time
Improve efficiency of event resolution process
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