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Measurement and Reporting


How to calculate
How to use it
Data Accuracy
Data Quality Checks
Accuracy score of data collected and reported
Ensure accuracy and reliability of reported data
Reporting Timeliness
Reporting Schedule
Percentage of reports delivered on time
Measure adherence to reporting deadlines
Report Completeness
Reporting Checklist
Completeness score of information included in reports
Ensure all required information is included in reports
Report Relevance
Reporting Feedback
Relevance score of information included in reports
Ensure reports provide relevant and actionable insights
Report Clarity
Reporting Feedback
Clarity score of information presented in reports
Ensure reports are clear and easy to understand
Report Accuracy
Reporting Feedback
Accuracy score of information presented in reports
Ensure accuracy and reliability of reported information
Report Consistency
Reporting Comparison
Consistency score of information presented in reports
Ensure consistency across different reports
Report Interpretability
Reporting Feedback
Interpretability score of information presented in reports
Ensure reports are easy to interpret and analyse
Report Accessibility
Reporting Accessibility Checks
Accessibility score of reports
Ensure reports are accessible to all stakeholders
Report Distribution
Distribution Logs
Distribution score of reports
Ensure reports are distributed to all relevant stakeholders
Report Usage
Reporting Analytics
Number of accesses or views of reports
Measure utilisation and popularity of reports
Report Feedback
User Feedback Surveys
Feedback scores from users on usefulness of reports
Gather insights and improve report quality based on feedback
Report Actionability
Actionability Assessment
Actionability score of recommendations included in reports
Ensure reports provide actionable insights and recommendations
Report Impact
Impact Assessment Reports
Impact of reports on decision-making and outcomes
Measure effectiveness and contribution of reports
Report Audit Trail
Report Change Logs
Audit trail of changes and updates to reports
Ensure transparency and accountability in reporting process
Report Version Control
Version Control System
Version control of reports
Ensure accuracy and consistency in report versions
Report Scalability
Scalability Assessment
Scalability of reporting processes and infrastructure
Ensure reporting processes can handle increased workload
Report Automation
Automation Metrics
Automation level of reporting processes
Improve efficiency and reliability of reporting through automation
Report Compliance
Compliance Audits
Adherence to reporting policies and regulations
Ensure compliance with reporting standards and requirements
Report Cost
Financial Reports
Total cost of producing and distributing reports
Assess financial implications of reporting processes
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