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Knowledge Management


How to calculate
How to use it
Knowledge Base Usage
Knowledge Management System
Number of accesses or views of knowledge base articles
Measure utilisation and popularity of knowledge base
Knowledge Contribution Rate
Knowledge Management System
Number of contributions to knowledge base per unit of time
Measure frequency of knowledge contributions
Knowledge Quality
Knowledge Management System
Quality score of knowledge base articles
Ensure accuracy and relevance of knowledge base content
Knowledge Search Effectiveness
Knowledge Management System
Percentage of successful searches in knowledge base
Measure effectiveness of knowledge base search
Knowledge Base Growth
Knowledge Management System
Rate of growth of knowledge base content
Measure expansion and coverage of knowledge base
Knowledge Base Feedback
User Feedback Surveys
Feedback scores from users on usefulness of knowledge base
Gather insights and improve knowledge base content
Knowledge Accessibility
Knowledge Management System
Accessibility score of knowledge base content
Ensure ease of access and navigation of knowledge base
Knowledge Retention
Retention Metrics
Retention rate of critical knowledge within organisation
Ensure preservation and accessibility of critical knowledge
Knowledge Transfer Rate
Transfer Tracking Metrics
Rate of knowledge transfer between individuals or teams
Measure effectiveness of knowledge transfer processes
Knowledge Gap Analysis
Gap Analysis Reports
Identification of gaps in knowledge and expertise
Identify areas for improvement and knowledge development
Knowledge Adoption Rate
Adoption Tracking Metrics
Rate of adoption of new knowledge and practices
Measure effectiveness of knowledge adoption initiatives
Knowledge Collaboration
Collaboration Metrics
Level of collaboration and sharing of knowledge
Foster collaboration and knowledge sharing across teams
Knowledge Alignment
Business Strategy Alignment
Alignment of knowledge with business goals and objectives
Ensure alignment of knowledge activities with business objectives
Knowledge Retrospective
Retrospective Meetings
Reflection and review of knowledge and learning experiences
Identify lessons learned and opportunities for improvement
Knowledge Repurposing
Repurposing Metrics
Reuse and repurposing of existing knowledge assets
Maximise value and efficiency through reuse of knowledge
Knowledge Skill Development
Skills Development Plans
Development and enhancement of skills through knowledge activities
Foster continuous learning and skill development
Knowledge Satisfaction
User Satisfaction Surveys
Satisfaction scores from users on knowledge resources
Measure satisfaction levels with knowledge resources
Knowledge Impact
Impact Assessment Reports
Impact of knowledge activities on business outcomes
Measure effectiveness and contribution of knowledge activities
Knowledge Accessibility
Accessibility Assessments
Accessibility score of knowledge resources
Ensure accessibility and inclusivity of knowledge resources
Knowledge Strategy Alignment
Strategy Alignment Assessments
Alignment of knowledge activities with organisational strategy
Ensure alignment of knowledge activities with organisational goals
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