Client Engagement Plan Template

Updated: May 18

The following article outlines the structure of a client engagement plan and provides some additional supporting guidance on best practices for creating one. Download a Client Engagement Plan Template for free.

What Is a Client Engagement Plan?

A client engagement plan template is a structured framework or document that outlines how a business can effectively engage with its clients to improve relationships, enhance customer satisfaction, and potentially increase customer loyalty and retention. It outlines a comprehensive approach to engage clients effectively throughout their lifecycle with the company, from initial contact through to long-term retention.

What Is the Content of a Client Engagement Plan Template?

Typically, it will contain the following aspects;

  1. Executive Summary: An overview of the plan's goals, target clients, and the strategies to engage them.

  2. Client Analysis: Detailed profiling of the target client groups, including their needs, preferences, behaviour patterns, and how they currently interact with your services or products.

  3. Engagement Goals: Specific objectives the plan aims to achieve, such as increasing client satisfaction, enhancing loyalty, boosting retention rates, or driving sales.

  4. Engagement Strategies and Tactics: This section outlines the methods and activities planned to achieve the engagement goals. It may cover a wide range of tactics, including personalised communication, rewards and loyalty programs, client education initiatives, feedback mechanisms, and social media engagement.

  5. Communication Plan: A plan for how and when to communicate with clients, including the channels (email, social media, face-to-face meetings, etc.), frequency, and the type of content to be shared.

  6. Technology and Tools: Identification of the technology and tools required to support the engagement plan, such as CRM systems, analytics tools, and marketing automation platforms.

  7. Roles and Responsibilities: Clearly defined roles and responsibilities for team members involved in implementing the engagement plan.

  8. Timeline and Milestones: A schedule outlining when each aspect of the plan will be executed, along with key milestones to measure progress.

  9. Budget: An outline of the budget allocated for client engagement activities, detailing costs associated with each strategy or tool.

  10. Measurement and Evaluation: Criteria and metrics for assessing the effectiveness of the engagement strategies, including methods for collecting and analysing client feedback, sales data, and other relevant performance indicators.

  11. Risk Management and Contingency Plans: Identification of potential risks to the success of the engagement plan and strategies for mitigating these risks.

  12. Conclusion and Next Steps: A summary of the plan and the immediate next steps to begin implementation.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Client Engagement Plan

The Client Engagement Plan Template

Step 1: Executive Summary

Begin with an executive summary that outlines the purpose of your Client Engagement Plan. This section should provide a snapshot of your goals, target clients, and the overarching strategies you intend to deploy to engage them. Essentially, it is a summary of everything that comes next for those too lazy to read the whole document.

Keep it concise and compelling to ensure stakeholders understand the plan's value.

Step 2: Client Analysis

Deep dive into who your clients are.

This step involves creating detailed profiles of your target client groups, highlighting their needs, preferences, and behaviours. Understanding these aspects is crucial for tailoring your engagement strategies effectively.

Typically, I'll create 'personas' - these might be either by groups or very detailed summaries of the type of client. It depends upon how you wish to approach it and the level of detail you would go to.

Here's a simple example using a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) product and client groups;

Step 3: Engagement Goals

Specify what you aim to achieve with your Client Engagement Plan.

Goals can range from enhancing client satisfaction and loyalty to increasing retention rates or sales. Ensure these objectives are SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

I strongly suggest OKRs (Objectives and Key Results), as they are a personal favourite of mine. Check out more details on writing OKRs here.

Here's an example of some engagement goals for the SaaS product;

Step 4: Engagement Strategies and Tactics

Outline the methods and activities you will use to meet your engagement goals.

This could include personalised communications, loyalty programs, client education efforts, feedback mechanisms, and leveraging social media.

Be creative and client-centric in your approach.

Here's a simplified version, just to get your thinking fired up;

Step 5: Communication Plan

Develop a communication strategy that details how and when you will reach out to clients.

This includes choosing the right channels (e.g., email, social media, face-to-face) and determining the frequency and type of content that will resonate with your audience.

I've created a more detailed communication plan and guidance here if you would like to explore it, but in the interests of keeping it simple, here's an example of what it could look like;

Step 6: Technology and Tools

Identify the technology and tools needed to support your engagement efforts.

This might involve investing in a CRM system, analytics tools, or marketing automation platforms.

The right technology can streamline your efforts and provide valuable insights into client behaviour.

Step 7: Roles and Responsibilities

Clearly define who within your organisation will execute each part of the plan.

Assigning specific roles and responsibilities ensures accountability and helps in the smooth implementation of the plan.

Step 8: Timeline and Milestones

Establish a timeline for your plan, including key milestones.

This schedule will guide your efforts and help keep the team on track. Remember, flexibility is key as client needs and market conditions evolve.

Here's a simple outline of a plan. You might track the detail in a project tool like or

Step 9: Budget

Outline the budget allocated for your client engagement activities. This should include detailed costs for each strategy or tool you plan to use.

A well-defined budget ensures your plan is realistic and financially viable.

I would create the budget, even a simple overview in a spreadsheet, and either link to it, or import the table into my user engagement plan, but here's a simple example of the kinds of costs you might consider;

Step 10: Measurement and Evaluation

Define how you will measure the success of your engagement strategies.

This could include metrics such as client satisfaction scores, retention rates, and sales data. Regular evaluation allows you to adjust your plan as needed based on what’s working and what’s not.

If you've used OKRs in your goals, then you can add your measures there, but assuming you haven't or feel that they need to be expanded upon, then you can detail them here;

Step 11: Risk Management and Contingency Plans

Anticipate potential risks to the success of your engagement plan and develop strategies to mitigate these risks.

I'd suggest focusing only on the big-ticket risks that would keep you up at night if they came to become a reality rather than listing everything you can think of.

Having contingency plans ensures you can navigate challenges without derailing your engagement efforts.

Step 12: Conclusion and Next Steps

Wrap up your plan with a summary of the key points and outline the immediate steps for moving forward.

This will ensure everyone involved is clear on the plan's objectives and their role in its execution.

I'm not going to draft that bit for you, but be absolutely clear about your next steps, in terms of "who", "what" and "when". It'll get your client engagement plan off to a strong start.

Some Dos and Don'ts of Creating a Client Engagement Plan


  1. Do Understand Your Audience
    Tailor your engagement strategies to meet different client groups' specific needs and preferences. Use data and feedback to inform your approach.

  2. Do Set Clear Ultra Clear, Measurable Objectives
    Ensure your engagement goals are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) to facilitate clear direction and measurable outcomes.

  3. Do Choose the Right Tools
    Select technology and tools that integrate well with your existing systems and enhance your engagement efforts. Consider scalability and security (including GDPR) as key factors.

  4. Do Communicate Regularly
    Communication is the backbone of any delivery. Maintain open lines of communication with clients through their preferred channels. Regular, meaningful communication builds trust and strengthens relationships. That said over-communication to customers can be just plain irritating, so careful!

  5. Do Measure and Adjust
    Regularly review engagement metrics and feedback to assess the effectiveness of your strategies. Be prepared to adjust your plan based on what you learn. Slavishly following an inflexible plan is planing to fail.

  6. Do Involve Your Team
    Ensure roles and responsibilities are clearly defined. Engage your team in the planning process to leverage their insights and foster a sense of ownership. Plans made in isolation are a recipe for failure.


  1. Don't Overlook Client Feedback
    Ignoring client feedback can lead to missed opportunities for improvement and disengagement. Always listen to and act on feedback.

  2. Don't Underestimate the Budget
    Failing to allocate sufficient resources can hinder your engagement efforts. Ensure your budget realistically reflects the scope of your plan. Make sure key stakeholders review it for omissions and accuracy.

  3. Don't Ignore Data Privacy
    Always comply with data protection regulations when collecting and using client data. Breaching privacy laws such as GDPR can damage your reputation and lead to legal consequences.

  4. Don't Set It and Forget It
    A client engagement plan is not a one-time task but an ongoing process. Avoid the mistake of not regularly updating the plan to reflect changes in client needs or market conditions.

  5. Don't Rely Solely on Digital Communication: While digital channels are efficient, personal touches like phone calls or face-to-face meetings can significantly enhance client relationships.

  6. Don't Dismiss the Competition: Stay aware of your competitors' engagement strategies. Ignoring what others in the market are doing can leave you at a disadvantage.